Tag Archives: Death Cab For Cutie

Music I Want My Children to Listen to- Death Cab For Cutie


Yay! Its time for Music I Want My Chidlren To Listen To and I am so happy that I was forced into putting up a linky for this last week (thanks TheBoyandMe). Since the linky thing was also the culmination of a twittervation with Becky at Hazel and Blue Handmade and AReseidence, decided to share the linky! This week Hazel and Blue Handmade is hosting the linky and I am so looking forward to reading all the great posts!
Some of you will know that this all comes from my original post about music I hope my children would listen to and I started with Ben Folds. Last week I wrote about Daniel Johnston. This week, I give you…

Death Cab For Cutie

At first, the name of the band made me think their CD would be the last thing I wanted to listen to but actually, they aren’t a heavy metal thrash band (sorry). They are a band who write and perform the most amazing songs, with each one telling you a story that is so vivid it is like a movie playing just for you. I am lucky enough to have seen this band twice and can honestly say they are one of my favourite bands ever. This is the kind of music I want my children to listen to.
I want my children to feel the music, to see the music, to taste the music. I want them to imagine the people, the places and the emotions. I want my children to not be afraid to show thier own emotions.
So many of the songs by Death Cab hold important memories for me, like I think good music should. I think about walking with my daughter in her pram, listening on the mp3 player I got for my birthday. I think about travelling in the car down to Kent for our first family holiday. I think about the night before my daughter was born and the night I thought my son would be born- it turned out to be false labour! I think about our first summer as a family of three and then four.

I also want my children to know about a certain song. I don’t want to be morbid but there is one song in particular that I want to be played when I go and I need my children to know about it and to know that its ok.
I will Follow You Into The Dark

Death Cab For Cutie have made some of the most beautiful songs I have ever heard and its only right that two of the most beautiful people in my world should listen to them one day.

Death Cab For Cutie
Postal Service

Make sure you link in to this week’s Music I Want My Children To Listen To over at Hazel and Blue Homemade!