For the Love of Blogging- Writing Wednesday

Day three of For the Love of Blogging and before I post my snapshot of a moment, I want to add to Katie’s post about writing tips and having a voice. As a primary school teacher, I am always reminding my children to remember their audience when they are writing- is your audience expecting fiction, non-fiction, comedy, a poem, a set of instructions or a list? Are you even writing for an audience? Children need to know that there is someone who is going to read their work so that they can write for a purpose.

So today my post- a snapshot of an event in my life- has its audience in mind. That audience, ultimately, is me. Since this blog is for me. I know that I put it out there for you all to read but first, this blog is for me. Here is my post:

If I could see this through your eyes…
An empty room. A space where the bed was just a few minutes before. Footsteps still pounding down the corridor even though they all left minutes ago. That beep beep beep still ringing in your ears even though it went silent hours ago. Letting my hand fall from yours.

If I could see this through your eyes…
Standing alone in the corridor, watching the nameless faces swooping past, eyes to the floor and mouths in a straight line. Holding my bag. Holding our hopes. Holding the pieces of our expectations.

If I could see this through your eyes…
Waiting. Waiting. Waiting. Holding the bundle. Alone and waiting. The weight of naming him, of being all he has for now. Waiting.

If I could see this through your eyes…

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